We have been running “Kale Piles Hospital & Laser Surgery Center” since 25 years, In Dighori, Nagpur for last 25 years during which the hospital has diagnosed and treated 43400 cases of various anorectal problem, About 15,456 patients have been treated by surgical or para surgical method emphasizing principal of ayurveda as well as modern surgery.
13,340 patients of kidney stone and 5,450 patients of infertility have been successfully treated by means of Ayurvedic medicines only.
The hospital also takes pride in treating more than 200 cases and complex/ recurrent, complete or partial horseshoe fistula successfully with and incontinence rate of 0% these type of fistula are treated by special combination method (fistulotomy + ksharsutra ligation)
Ksharshutra therapy is a practiced in India since ancient times. The ksharsutra therapy is unique treatment of Ayurveda gaining popularity globally.
Infertility is prime cause of depression and unhappiness in human life. We have come out with sure solution for these with special Ayurvedic medicine formulation and guidance which has given us successful results.
Same way we also have special Ayurvedic medication for kidney stone with the help of which patient get relieves from pain and agony and get rid of kidney stone without surgery.
Special types of medicated thread (Ksharshutra) are used in this procedure found to be effective in any anorectal conditions; it has been many advantages in the treatment of anal fistula.
The hospital has comprehensive facilities of special Ayurvedic treatments like ksharsutra, Ksharvarti, Ksharkarma etc along with modern techniques like IRC, Laser, and Electro cautery, Harmonic scalpel etc for treating various anorectal diseases. Proper investigations, perfect diagnosis and 100 % sure results with highly effective our own research medicine and formulation are the things responsible for our grand success in Ayurveda field. According the different diseases, we adopt special and different surgical techniques and equipments.