Inquiry & Appointment : 7558387079 / 9423105824 / (0712) 2745515

Constipation Treatment in Nagpur

Constipation is a common cause of anorectal diseases like piles (haemorrhoids), fissure, anal abscess, fistula, etc.

What is constipation?

Constipation is a symptom that has different meanings to different individuals. Most commonly, it refers to infrequent bowel movements, but it may also refer to a decrease in the volume or weight of stool, the need to strain to have a movement, a sense of incomplete evacuation, or the need for enemas, suppositories or laxatives in order to maintain regularity.
For most people, it is normal for bowel ¬movements to occur from three times a day to three times a week;

What causes constipation?

  • Inadequate fibre and fluid intake, a sedentary lifestyle, and environmental changes.
  • Constipation may be aggravated by travel, pregnancy or change in diet
  • Repeatedly ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement.
  • More serious causes of constipation include growths or areas of narrowing in the colon, so it is wise to seek the advice of a anorectal surgeon when constipation persists.
  • Individuals with spinal cord injuries frequently experience problems with constipation.

Can medication cause constipation?

Yes, many medications, including pain killers, antidepressants, tranquilizers, and other psychiatric medications, blood pressure medication, diuretics, iron supplements, calcium supplements, and ¬aluminum containing antacids can slow the movement of the colon and worsen constipation.

When should I see a doctor about constipation?

Any persistent change in bowel habit, increase or decrease in frequency or size of stool or an increased difficulty in evacuating warrants evaluation. Whenever constipation symptoms persist for more than three weeks, you should consult your physician. If blood appears in the stool, consult your physician right away.

How is constipation treated?

  • The vast majority of patients with constipation are successfully treated by adding high fiber foods like bran, shredded wheat, whole grain breads and certain fruits and vegetables to the diet, along with increased fluids.
  • Your physician may also recommend lifestyle changes.
  • Fiber supplements may take several weeks, possibly months, to reach full effectiveness, but they are neither harmful nor habit forming,
  • Other types of laxatives, enemas or suppositories should be used only when recommended and monitored by your colon and rectal surgeon.

Call for Constipation Treatment in Nagpur – 7558387079 / 9423105824 / (0712) 2745515

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