Inquiry & Appointment : 7558387079 / 9423105824 / (0712) 2745515

Polyp of Anal Canal , Rectum & Colon Treatment in Nagpur

Polyps are abnormal growths rising from the lining of the large intestine (colon or rectum) and protruding into the intestinal canal (lumen). Some polyps are flat; others have a stalk. Although most polyps are benign, the relationship of certain polyps to cancer is well established.

What are the symptoms of polyps?

Most polyps produce no symptoms and often are found incidentally during endoscopy or x-ray of the bowel. Some polyps, however, can produce bleeding, mucous discharge, alteration in bowel function, or in rare cases, abdominal pain.

How are polyps diagnosed?

Polyps are diagnosed either by looking at the colon lining directly (colonoscopy) or by x-ray study (barium enema).

Do polyps need to be treated?

Since there is no fool-proof way of predicting whether or not a polyp is or will become malignant, total removal of all polyps is advised. The vast majority of polyps can be removed by snaring them with a wire loop passed through the instrument. Small polyps can be destroyed simply by touching them with a coagulating electrical current.

How can I prevent polyps?

Doctors don’t know of any one sure way to prevent polyps. But you might be able to lower your risk of getting them if you

  • eat a high fiber diet, (i.e. more fruits and vegetables) and less fatty food.
  • don’t smoke
  • avoid alcohol
  • exercise every day
  • lose weight if you’re overweight

Can polyps recur?

Once a polyp is completely removed, its recurrence is very unusual.

Call for Polyp of Anal Canal , Rectum & Colon Treatment in Nagpur – 7558387079 / 9423105824 / (0712) 2745515

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