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Special Technics


Ksharsutra is a type of medicated thread prepared by coating and recoating the thread 21 times with different drugs of plants origin.

Ksharsutra is prepared from number of drugs like

  • Apamarg Kshar
  • Kadali Kshar
  • Arka Kshar
  • Nimba Kshar
  • Milk extract of plants like:- 1. Snuhi Ksheer 2. Udumber Ksheer 3. Papaya Ksheer

And natural antibiotics like Haridra powder, Guggulu etc are used in preparation of different kind of ksharsutra. It takes a number of days to prepare different kinds of ksharsutra as the previous coat has to be dried before the next to be applied.
Different kinds of ksharsutra are prepared using different drugs.

Ksharsutra procedure and its action

The mechanical action of thread and chemical action of drugs coated on thread togetherly do the work of cutting, curetting, draining and cleaning the fistulous tract, thus promoting and healing of the tract/ wound.

The ksharsutra is passed through the fistulous tract (usually under short anesthesia) and two ends of the thread are tied forming a loop. The drugs coated on the thread are continuously release through the length of tract there by cutting, curetting, cleansing and healing the tract simultaneously. After about 7 days the thread loosens because it has cut through some of the tissues and healed simultaneously and thread is now bare (with no drugs on it ). A new thread is now replaced in the tract by special method. The changing of the thread is a simple OPD procedure of 2 to 5 min. requiring no anesthesia.

Advantage of ksharsutra

  • The procedure does not require hospitalization for more than three to four hours
  • The pt. requires no bed rest and can join his /her daily retune 6-12 hours
  • The procedure leaves just a pencil scar at the site
  • Freedom form painful dressings
  • There are no chances of incontinence and recurrence rate which is usually found to be quite high after fistulectomy is less than 2% with ksharshutra treatment.
  • This because the medicine on the thread gradually and continuously curette the piogenic membrane and fibrous tissue and thus leave no pus pocket undrained.


Ksharvarti is made up of special Ayurvedic medicine and made it like steak (varti)
Ksharvarti is used in blind fistula or sinus to make passage clear and heal the tract completely.


Ksharpichu is used in scar forming wound. It is used for parasurgical removal of foreign material and dead tissue from a wound in order to prevent infection and promote healing

BASTI TREATMENT – Medicated enema (for I.B.S. & U-colitis)

Chronic diseases like IBS and Ulcerative colitis is successfully treated by medicated Ayurvedic enema which is called as Basti treatment in ayurveda. Specific drugs are used for this Basti and series of enemas are given to treat these disease. Matarbast, Kalbasti and Yogbasti are the type used for medication.


Kshar powder or solution of kshar is locally applied over the wound to debrid and wound healing. Any operative scar, hypertrophied scar or sinus or bhagandar pitika is treated with kshar karma.
Solution of kshar is directly applied to internal hemorrhoids under anesthesia which shrinks the hemorrhoids.

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